Dec 1st Bouldering Competition @ CCC Rocky Mountain

Event Date: 12 | 01 2018

Location(s): Rocky Mountain

Here is the updated schedule and running order.

Dec 1 2018 Schedule with running orders



Dec 1 2018 Alberta Open Bouldering Competition

Location: Calgary Climbing Centre, Rocky Location

Schedule: Dec 1st 2018
8am Check-in to Iso Opens.
8:30am Check-in to Iso Closes.
9:30am – 12:30pm Qualifiers

4:30pm Finals Iso Opens
5:00pm Finals Iso Closes
6:00-8:30pm Finals

5 minutes on, 5 minutes off format for Qualifiers
4 minute world cup format for Finals.

Qualifers will have 4 problems per category. We expect 2 streams for the Men and 1 for the Women.
Finals will have 4 problems per category. Top 6 Qualifiers go to Finals.

Cost is $60+gst


Please consider Volunteering if you can. We’ve got some shorter shifts this time.

Volunteer Sign UP

Registration will close on Thursday November 29th at 8am.

REGISTRATION LINK…registration is now closed.  See you Saturday. 

***Athletes must be members of the provincial ACA to participate in this event. Memberships can be obtained at

Looking for your ACA membership number?: Click here and look on the standings list for your category.


